Armagh Observatory
Light show

At ArtFX, we have all the skills and equipment in-house to bring your specialist fabrication project from the ideation stage right through to the final product. 

Specialised fabrication projects require a high level of problem solving and complex fabrication processes to create work which pushes the boundaries of what is possible, within reasonable budgets. 

Work of this nature often necessitates a combined knowledge of a very broad range of technical processes, knowhow and ability. ArtFX has all these skills in-house, which makes all the difference when a client is trying to achieve something unique and original. 

There is also an efficiency and thoroughness that cannot be achieved when a task is split between multiple unlinked partners. All skills being in-house massively reduces the risk of dilution of ideas and the end result not entirely satisfying the client’s vision.

Our clients include Eclipse 3D Media, Havas, Fuel, Thinkhouse and many more.

Related Work

  • Large-scale sculpture of tree.
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